Mock drill on Earthquake

A mock drill on an earthquake simulates the conditions produced during the real earthquake. it sensitizes and informs all the participants on what to do during an earthquake. it also enables us to find the gaps and address them beforehand. therefore it is very important to conduct such mock drills frequently.

Mock Drills Calendar

we can fix some days in a year for conducting mock drills on earthquakes. every organization, school and even family should conduct such mock drills.

Mock Drill on Earthquakes in Schools of Himachal Pradesh

As per the directives laid down by the HP State Disaster Management Authority (HPSDMA), all schools must conduct emergency mock drills at least four times a year.

4th April (the Anniversary of the Kangra Earthquake of the year 1905) and 13th October (International Day for Disaster Reduction) are two of the four suggested dates for conducting mock drills in all schools of Himachal Pradesh.

Importance of Mock Drills

Just have a look at the data to know the impact of Earthquakes on schools in various countries:-

Therefore, It is important to spread awareness among the school staff, teachers and students and make them prepared to deal with earthquakes and other kinds of catastrophic events.

Objectives of Mock Drill on Earthquake

  • Educating and training staff, teachers and students to react to any unforeseen emergency.
  • To build up courage and confidence to face the emergency.
  • To teach Life Saving and Rescue techniques.
  • Testing the efficacy of the School Disaster Management Plan and improving it further (gap analysis for improvements)

Types of mock drills

  • Pre-announced Drills
  • Unannounced Drills

To begin with, it is advised to conduct pre-announced mock drills till they attain proficiency in it.

Conducting mock drill on Earthquake

To ensure the proper execution of a mock drill exercise, the roles and responsibilities of the concerned staff, teachers and students should be precisely defined and the standard operating procedures (SOPs) should be clearly understood by everyone.

Though a lot of homework needs to be done to prepare a plan and then
conduct a mock drill, which may last only a few minutes, it increases the chances of survival manifold.

School Earthquake Drill Procedure

mock drill on earthquake
source: Disaster Management Cell, Department of Revenue, H.P. Secretariat, Shimla

Alarm Operation:

  • A pre-arranged distinctive signal such as a siren or bell is set off indicating an earthquake. Pupils and teachers will be alerted by this signal.


  • While the signal is ongoing, move away from windows, glass and unfastened objects.
  • Everyone should perform “drop, cover and hold” under tables, desks or chairs until the “shaking” signal stops.
  • School bags can be used to protect the head where a sufficient number of desks are not available or where there are no desks at all
  • If outside, get clear of buildings, power lines, trees, light poles and other dangers, drop down to your knees and cover your head and neck.

Evacuation and Assembly:

  • Once the shaking stops, students must be instructed to leave the building in a single file and in a calm, orderly manner. (Two files if the staircase is wide)
  • The person in charge of each class must indicate the pre-determined route to be used and everyone must be directed to pre-identified evacuation areas.
  • Specific arrangements must be made for students with physical or mental disabilities to ensure that they are assisted during evacuation (Create a Buddy System)
  • No running is to be permitted to avoid panic and stampede.
  • On staircases, everyone must descend in the disciplined file. Overtaking of classes or individuals must not be permitted.
  • Watch out for potential falling objects.
  • Then proceed immediately to the evacuation point.
  • Students should stand according to their Roll No. for easy counting.
  • At the assembly point, a roll call or body count must be made to ascertain that no one remains in the building.
  • Each teacher must report whether everybody is accounted for or if there are missing students

Also, take care to avoid injury to any student. At the end of the drill, debriefing by the Drill in-charge / Principal should be done to review and suggest any changes in the School Disaster Management Plan.

Other awareness activities on earthquake

Other awareness activities that can be planned and executed are:

  • Small video clips on Disaster Preparedness
  • Quiz Competitions on Disasters
  • Models on related topics
  • Poster Making Competitions
  • Skits and Plays
  • Essay Writing Competitions
  • Slogan Writing Competitions
  • Students March / Rally
  • Study tours may be planned to the site of disaster-related significance etc.


Disaster Management Cell, Department of Revenue, H.P. Secretariat, Shimla

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