H3N2 Influenza: Must Have Knowledge


An Influenza Virus

Introduction:- Normally influenza viruses circulate in pigs but when found in the human population are called ‘variants’ that’s why H3N2 influenza is also termed as H3N2v (where ‘v’ stands for variant.)

Types of influenza viruses:-

4 types of influenza viruses are = A, B, C & D.

  • A:- the only type to cause pandemics, can also cause seasonal epidemics.
  • B:- cause seasonal epidemics
  • C:- mild or no epidemics
  • D:- cause disease in animals only


Based on the viral surface proteins i.e. ‘H’ and ‘N’. There are 18 sub-division w.r.t H (H1,2,3,4……18) and 11 w.r.t N (N1,2,3,4…11). influenza viruses are named on combinations arising from them (like H1N1-influenza A, H7N9- avian influenza or bird flu, H3N2 etc.) H1N1 & H3N2 are in circulation currently.

The incubation period of H3N2

the incubation period range of H3N2 influenza is 3-7 days. it is the time taken for symptoms to appear after the entry of the virus into the human body.

Why are we concerned

Though symptoms are more or less similar to H1N1 (seasonal influenza) H3N2 is of concern because of the increased incidence of severe disease, spreading more easily & even healthy adults are also prone (unlike <9yr & > 65 in H1N1)

Categorization of patients

Based on clinical symptoms, patients are classified and managed as given below:

of pt.
Symptoms of InfluenzaDiagnostic testInfluenza Treatment
AIf the patient has high-grade fever (≥102 F) and severe sore throat. this category also includes high-risk populations (extremes of age, immunocompromised, chronic diseases, pregnancy etc.).
Not tested for Influenza only symptomatic and
supportive treatment
(Oseltamivir not
) Patients should confine themselves at home and avoid mixing up
BIf the patient has high-grade fever (≥102 F) and severe sore throat. this category also includes high-risk populations (extremes of age, immunocompromised, chronic diseases, pregnancy etc.).
Not tested for InfluenzaThey should receive Oseltamivir along with symptomatic
CCat A & cat B symptoms plus one or more of the following:-
SOB, Hemoptysis, Altered mental status, Seizures, Decreased urine output, Tachypnoea, SpO2<90% Hypotension, Persistence or worsening of initial symptoms beyond 72 hours, Worsening of underlying chronic conditions like D M, CKD etc.
Tested for influenzastart empirical
antiviral therapy (oseltamivir),

Hospital admission.
categorization of patients and their treatment plan

Anti-viral Medication for H3N2 Influenza virus

DO’S AND DONT’S of H3N2 Influenza

kindly go through these important measures to avoid infection.


  • wash your hands with soap & water if symptomatic
  • avoid crowded places
  • Wear masks
  • cover nose and mouth while sneezing or coughing
  • Avoid touching eyes and nose
  • Plenty of fluids
  • can take over-the-counter antipyretics like paracetamol if having fever or body aches


  • Avoid shaking hands instead greet with Namaste
  • don’t spit in public places
  • avoid close contact with symptomatic individuals
  • avoid room sharing with symptomatic individuals
  • don’t take any antibiotic or other medicine without a prescription or consulting a doctor.
h3n2 influenza- must have knowledge; prevention

The situation of H3N2 Influenza in India

lab-confirmed cases of H3N2 are on the rise ( in January 2023 there were 1245 rose in February to 1307 and in March were 480 till 9th March 2023). 9 patients had succumbed to the H3N2 till 17th of march 2023.

Situation of H3N2 in Himachal Pradesh

all states including Himachal Pradesh are on alert as COVID-19 cases are also increasing in the state, which increases the risk for H3N2 infection (double infection covid-influenza). Himachal Pradesh reported the first case of H3N2, as a two-and-a-half-month-old baby girl tested positive in district Kangra on 27th March 2023.

Influenza vaccine:- At present, there is no vaccine available for H3N2, Note that routine influenza vaccine is not effective against H3N2.

NOTE– I shall keep updating the things here with the time, as new data or advisories as issued.

Thank you

6 responses to “H3N2 Influenza: Must Have Knowledge”

Hello, World.


  1. Dr. Ayush Vasisth

    Brilliant Article Sir

  2. Neha

    Gud platform to get all updates on health issues and tourism too😀

  3. NEHA

    Gud platform to get all the updates on health issues.
    Post other General updates too

  4. Ashish

    Healthy ब्लॉग healthy इनफार्मेशन
    Keep it munuaa.

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