Heat Wave in India and Measure for Protection

According to the IPCC(-Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), The Indian subcontinent will suffer more frequent and intense heat waves over the coming decade. February of 2023 was the Warmest since 1901, which is a warning sign of upcoming heat waves in India.

What is Heatwave

According to NDMA (National Disaster Management Authority of India), Heatwave is a condition of air temperature which becomes fatal to the human body when exposed.

Declaration of Heatwave

  1. If Maximum Actual Temperature of a station reaches at least ≥ 450C (for Costal areas >370C and for Hilly areas >300C)
  2. If the variation of normal temperature is above 4.50

if both criteria given above, are met in 2 stations in a Meteorological sub-division for at least 2 consecutive days, Heat Wave is declared.

Why Concerned about Heat Waves in India

  • By 2030, over 160-200 million people could be exposed to lethal heat waves in India annually.
  • Heat stress can lead to productivity decline.
  • Up to 75 per cent of India’s workforce, which is equal to 380 million people, depend on heat-exposed labour, at times working in potentially life-threatening temperatures.
  • In a 2021 study by the Lancet Planetary Health journal, researchers found that nearly 740,000 excess deaths in India annually can be attributed to abnormally hot and cold temperatures related to climate change.

Effects of Heat Wave on Humans

The health impacts of Heat Waves typically involve dehydration, heat cramps, heat
exhaustion and/or heat stroke. The signs and symptoms are as follows:

  • Heat Cramps: Heavy sweating, fatigue, thirst and Syncope (Fainting) generally accompanied by fever below 390C i.e. 102F.
  • Heat Exhaustion: Fatigue, weakness, dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps and sweating.
  • Heat Stoke: Body temperatures of 400C i.e. 104F or more along with delirium, seizures or coma. This is a potentially fatal condition.

Causes of Heat Wave

Keeping it simple we can say that heat wave is the result of wind flow patterns. Due to various natural phenomena, the hot air sometimes gets entrapped in a particular area like air in the oven instead of circulating around the globe. This gives rise to the Heat Wave.

Measures to Reduce the Impact of Heat Wave

avoiding heatwave
Do’s and don’t during the Heatwave/ in summer (source: World Organization)
  • Listen to the Radio, watch TV, and read the Newspapers for local weather forecasts to know if the heat wave is on the way.
  • Avoid going out in the sun, especially between 12.00 noon and 3.00 p.m.
  • Provide cool drinking water near the workplace.
  • Schedule strenuous jobs to cooler times of the day.
  • Increasing the frequency and length of rest breaks for outdoor activities.
  • Pregnant workers and workers with medical conditions should be given additional
  • Drink sufficient water, even if not thirsty. While travelling, carry water with you.
  • Wear lightweight, light-coloured, loose, and porous cotton clothes. Use protective
    goggles, an umbrella/hat, shoes or chappals while going out in the sun.
  • Avoid strenuous activities when the outside temperature is high.
  • Avoid alcohol, tea, coffee and carbonated soft drinks, which dehydrate the body.
  • Avoid high-protein food and do not eat stale food (which is not fresh).
  • If you work outside, use a hat or an umbrella and also use a damp cloth on your
    head, neck, face and limbs
  • Do not leave children or pets in parked vehicles
  • If you feel faint or ill, see a doctor immediately.
  • Use ORS, homemade drinks like lassi, Torani (rice water), lemon water, buttermilk,
    etc. which helps to rehydrate the body.
  • Keep your home cool, use curtains, shutters or sunshades and open windows at
  • Use fans, and take a bath in cold water frequently.
  • Recognize the signs of heat stroke, heat rash or heat cramps such as weakness,
    dizziness, headache, nausea, sweating and seizures. If you feel faint or ill, see a
    doctor immediately.
avoiding heatwave
Safeguarding the Workers from Heatwave (source: World Health Organization)

How long will last Heat Wave in India

Heat Waves are seen from March to June and sometimes even in July in India. Peak is seen in the month of May.

Heat Wave in India Leading to Death

India witnessed a 55% rise in deaths because of heat between the years 2000-2014 and between 2017-2021. 2422 deaths were reported related to heat as compared to 612 in 1992( NDM Report 2016). the poorer section of society bears a disproportionate burden of a hotter planet.

What are the symptoms of Sunburn and its first aid?


  • Skin redness and pain, possible swelling, blisters, fever and headaches.

First Aid:

  • Take a shower, using soap, to remove oils that may block pores preventing the body from cooling naturally. If blisters occur, apply dry, sterile dressings and get a medical consultation.

What are the symptoms of Heat Cramps and their first aid?


  • Heavy sweating and painful spasms usually in the leg and abdominal muscles or extremities.

First Aid:

  • Move to a cool or shaded place. Apply firm pressure on cramping muscles or gentle massage to relieve spasms. Give sips of water. If nausea occurs, discontinue.

What are the symptoms of Heat Exhaustion and its first aid?


  • Heavy sweating, weakness, skin cold, pale, headache and clammy. Weak pulse. Normal temperature is possible. Fainting, vomiting.

First Aid:

  • Get the victim to lie down in a cool place. Loosen clothing. Apply a cool, wet cloth. Fan or move the victim to an air-conditioned place. Give sips of water slowly and If nausea occurs, discontinue. If vomiting occurs, seek immediate medical attention. Or call 108 (medical emergency number in India)

What are the symptoms of Heat Stroke (Sun Stroke) and its first aid?


  • High body temperature (106+F). Hot, dry skin. Rapid, strong pulse. Possible unconsciousness. The victim will likely not sweat.

First Aid:

  • Heat stroke is a medical emergency. Call 108 for emergency medical services or take the victim to a hospital immediately. Delay can be fatal.
  • For the time being move the victim to a cooler environment. Try a cool bath or sponging to reduce body temperature. Remove clothing. Use fans and/or air conditioners.

Impact of Heat Wave on Animals

heat waves can reduce milk production and make animals sick. Keep animals in the shade and give them plenty of water to drink. cool their body by showering them twice a day. feed them green grass if available and seek veterinary advice/ assistance if required.

Impact of Heat Wave on Crops and Vegetation

Badly impacts crop productivity and increases losses. India is 2nd largest wheat producer in the world after China. By 2030 there may be a 9% production loss in agriculture in India (: International Labour Organization). fruit crops like mangoes are also badly affected by increased temperature.

Impact on economy

According to the report, 50% of the GDP of India is contributed by heat-exposed work, and the country is extremely vulnerable to job losses. By 2030, India may account for 34 million of the projected 80 million global job losses from heat stress-associated productivity decline.

Analysis by global management consulting firm, McKinsey & Company shows that lost labour from rising heat and humidity could put up to 4.5 per cent of India’s GDP – approximately US$150- 250 billion – at risk by the end of this decade

India is the third largest producer of pharmaceuticals in the world. Pre-COVID-19, India lost approximately 20 per cent of temperature-sensitive medical products and 25 per cent of vaccines due to broken cold chains, leading to losses of US$313 million a year.

India has come up with an ambitious program to mitigate and avoid the losses with the ‘India Cooling Action Plan 2019’.

Heat Wave and World in 2023

Europe was also 20C warmer than the average temperature, though 1.60C cooler than the warmest February (1990) during February 2022. Russia has also witnessed higher temperatures during the same period. North America and China on the other hand have recorded lower-than-average temperatures.

Should I open Windows during Heat Waves?

Yes, during the night but not during the day when it’s already hot out there.

What are Urban Heat Islands

Due to the fewer trees and vegetation, the urban areas remain significantly warmer even during the night as compared to the surrounding rural areas with flora and fauna. This is because the transpiration process of trees acts as a natural air conditioner and lowers the temperature around them. so we should focus on increasing the Green cover in urban areas by various measures like planting trees and making rooftop gardens.


World Bank: Climate Investment Opportunities in India’s Cooling Sector. https://www.dropbox.com/s/s01drnsy2xp76dk/Climate%20Investment%20Opportunities%20in%20India%27s%20Cooling%20Sector.pdf?dl=0

Dearman. (2015). Cold chains and the demographic dividend. Dearman

Mishra, N. (2021, December 23). India Must Build 10 Million Houses A Year. Retrieved from Rediff.com:https://www.rediff.com/business/ column/Neelkanth-Mishra-India-must-build-10- million-houses-a-year/20211223.htm

NDMA: https://ndma.gov.in/images/guidelines/guidelines-heat-wave.pdf